Privacy policy for
(as per the Information Technology Act, 2000)


Introduction and Definitions:


This Privacy Policy is entered by you and Parijnan Foundation (hereinafter referred to as ‘Foundation’). This privacy policy is framed in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules formed thereunder as also the amendments thereto, pertaining to electronic documents and records. This Policy does not require physical or digital signature.


The terms mentioned “We”, “Us”, “Trust”, “SS”, “PF”, “SBY” “Organisation”, “Our” in this document collectively refer to Parijnan Foundation, Samvit Sudha, Samarth Bhanap Yojana (The Foundation) and the terms “You”, “Your”, “Yourself” refer to the user.


This privacy policy shall apply to the following websites,, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘said website’ for short) as these websites/projects are registered under Parijnan Foundation.


The terms of the Policy shall be effective upon your acceptance of cookie policy, by clicking on ‘Ok’ or ‘I accept’.


This document is published in accordance with and shall be construed in compliance with the provisions of the Information Technology (reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules 2011, issued under the Information Technology Act 2000; that requires publishing of Privacy Policy for collection, use, storage and transfer of sensitive personal data or information in accordance with data protection and privacy laws.

You are requested to read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using our website, you indicate that you understand, agree and consent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy policy, you must stop using our website immediately.


The issue of online privacy is extremely crucial for the said websites. It is committed to safeguarding the information provided by its users, other visitors and stakeholders logging on to and / or navigating or browsing through its website. The said website is dedicated to creating a safe and secure environment for all its stakeholders on the internet in accordance with and in conformity with the prevailing Statutory laws, Governmental regulations and controls governing the use of such websites.


The said Website aims to respect, protect, and safeguard the privacy of its online users and visitors whilst providing services to its users. The organisation’s Privacy Policy also gives its visitors a view of its Privacy Practices and Policy followed by the said website and assures them of a safe passage / navigation through the said website for building and developing a safe and secured online community of internet users.

Further, the organisation makes it clear to its visitors / users that while browsing or navigating through the said website, if the user / visitor is directed to any web-based or internet-enabled links of other third-party websites other than the 3 websites mentioned above in Para. 3 then such user / visitor shall be automatically governed by the external websites’ own Privacy Policies and Practices and the organisation shall not take any responsibility for the security provided by such external websites. Users of and Visitors to the said website are hereby advised to fully familiarize themselves with its Privacy Policy as well the policies of such external websites that collect personally identifiable information.


Our website is not intended for individuals under 18 years of age, without the valid consent of their parent or guardian. If we learn that we have collected or received personal information from an individual under age 18 without verification of legal guardian or parental consent, we will delete that information.  If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under age 18, please contact us at


The protection afforded by this Policy applies to all Users, irrespective of their nationality, or place of residence, in relation to the processing and profiling of their personal data. It includes the processing of personal data by automated means, as well as manual processing.


Type of information collected through the website:


Users registering at the said website are requested to provide some personal information which becomes the property of the website and can be shared, disclosed or distributed to third parties only in accordance with the Privacy Policy for further compliance with regulatory authorities We will retain and use the information only for the purposes as set out herein and no longer than is reasonably required for that purpose.


Collection of Personal Information:


The Website shall not sell or rent such personal information that has been collected. The following personal information is supplied voluntarily:
Registration Data & Other Optional Information: If you are merely a visitor to our website, then the website does not collect any personal information about you. However, except to the limited extent through the use of cookies some personal data may be collected, as described below.


Customer name and age
Customer email ID
Customer Telephone/ Mobile Number
Country of Residence
City, State, Pin code
Id Proof


E-mail information: When we receive e-mails from you, we may retain the content of any e-mail messages sent to us, as well as details of your e-mail address.

While you have the option not to provide us with certain information or withdraw consent to collect certain information, kindly note that in such an event, you may not be able to fully browse / navigate further through our website and /or take full advantage of the entire scope of features and services offered to you and we reserve the right not to provide you with our services.


By using our Website, you hereby expressly agree and grant consent to the collection, use and storage of this information by Parijnan Foundation (‘The Foundation’). The Foundation reserves the right to share, disclose and transfer information collected hereunder with its own affiliates, who will also be bound by this policy. Further, the organisation reserves the right to disclose personal information as obligated by law, in response to duly authorized legal process, governmental requests and as necessary to protect the rights and interests of the organisation.


Use of web-based tracking mechanisms such as Cookies and Google Analytics:


Cookies, which enable us to store small amounts of information contained in your Website browser, may be used on some areas of our Website. Cookies, that help us track your navigation, enable us to tailor our offerings to you by further improvising and developing our website to suit your needs.


Use of your Information:


Customer Support: Your contact information is used to respond to your inquiries and provide customer support.
Improving Our Services: We use non-personal information collected through cookies and Google Analytics to analyze website performance and enhance user experience.


Marketing: With your consent, we may use your history and preferences to:
Process your donations and provide you with the receipt.
Provide you with information regarding our various initiatives or updates on project progress.
Undertake internal testing of our website, systems and services to test and improve security and performance. The Foundation shall share personal information within the Foundation and its affiliates and process it for us, based on our guidelines and in compliance with this Privacy Policy. These data transfers are necessary to provide the services and provide our products to you.




Third party websites which are accessible from our website via links, click-throughs or banner advertising may use Cookies. However, it is important for us to inform you that we shall have no access or control over such Cookies and therefore you are advised to proceed on to those sites after reviewing the cookies and privacy policy. The Foundation shall not be held responsible with regards to the Third Party’s use of such cookies.


The organisation may use certain companies that enable you to establish a membership to participate in digital wallets, payment services etc. If you elect to do so, we would only disclose to such companies the information necessary to make their programs work.. The Foundation shall take necessary and reasonable steps to protect the data shared. The data shall be shared and be used within the bounds of law. However we are not responsible for the privacy practices of the companies sponsoring these membership programs and we suggest you review the individual privacy policies of each of such company/ies with whom you establish a membership via our Website’s links / click-throughs.


Choice / Opt Out:


The Website provides you with a choice regarding the collection and usage of your personal information. During registration for “joining our mailing list,” we request you to provide contact information in order to send relevant associated information, bulletins for advertising purposes pertaining to “The Foundation” However, it is not mandatory for you to register in order to access and use our Site. You may therefore choose to opt out of providing such information.


Further, once you are registered at the website, you will have the option at any stage to inform us that you no longer wish to receive future e-mails and you may “unsubscribe” by contacting us on However, this may limit us from providing the best possible services to you.


Security Practices as per Information Technology act, 2000 and Rules of Information Technology Act, 2000:


The website has implemented stringent, internationally acceptable standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. The data resides behind a firewall, with access restricted only to authorized Website personnel.


The website has implemented “Reasonable Security Practices” as required by the Information Technology Act rules 2011 including any amendment in the said Act and rules. By complying with such provisions, the Website assures proper care and control over its Information Technology and Security operations under the relevant provisions of the Information and Technology Act, 2000 including related rules and therefore you agree that the Website shall not be held responsible for any activity in your account which results from your failure to keep your own password secure.


By using this site, you agree that Website shall not be held responsible for any security attack and in such cases you agree that the Website shall not be held responsible for any type of loss allegedly arising to the user by way of, but not limited to financial, opportunity, legal, business, reputation, direct and indirect losses that may occur to you under the Provisions of Information Technology Act, 2000 and including any amendments in the said Act.


You further agree that the Website management shall not be held responsible either directly or indirectly for any cybercrime and / or any related criminal offences liabilities under Information and Technology Act, 2000 relating to your information and further, that by using our Website, you hereby expressly acknowledge, agree and undertake that the management of said Websites complies with due diligence requirements of Information and Technology Act, 2000 including its rules and amendments thereto.


Conditions of Use:


The organisation does not warrant that this Website, its servers, or email sent by us or on our behalf are ‘virus free’. The organisation shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this Website, including, but not limited to compensatory, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary, special and consequential damages, loss of data, goodwill, business opportunity, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties by whatever name called. In no event shall the organisation be liable for any damages whatsoever.


Updates to Privacy Policy:


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for legal and regulatory reasons. We encourage you to review this policy periodically.




This website is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Exclusive jurisdiction with regards to this policy lies at the Courts located in the City of Bengaluru for any legal action, suit or proceeding arising out or in connection with this Privacy Policy.


Contact Us: 


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or how your data is handled, please contact us at

By using our website, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.